A Guide on Supplements
Brandon Partin
brandonpartin95@gmail.com - 931-434-6880
What exactly are Supplements?
Supplements are defined as something used to supplement a diet and will likely include one or two of the following: vitamins, minerals, herbs etc. Supplements themselves are intended for the use as the name suggests in that they are used to be supplemental. They are not considered a foundation component of a diet. Supplements are usually delivered orally through capsules, liquids, etc. much like medications. One thing to keep in mind when searching for supplements is that they are not regulated by the FDA so they can vary in quality due to them being unregulated.
What types of Dietary Supplements are there?
They are often classified in two different categories and these are known as either health supplements or performance based supplements.
What are Health Supplements?
Health supplements are simply supplements used to improve overall health and well being. For example this would be any supplement such as a multivitamin.
What are Performance Supplements?
Performance Supplements are known as dietary supplements that help in enhancing performance or body composition. This for example would be supplements such as pre-workout or creatine.
What Health Supplements should I take?
Health supplements can vary based on what you want to supplement, if there is specific vitamin you lack in your normal day to day diet. Then it would be a great idea to take said supplement. If you deal with sickness or illness often, then taking a supplement such as Vitamin C could help with immune support. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so if you have specific detailed questions on what should be taken, consult your doctor.
Should I take performance based supplements such as creatine?
If your goals are primarily centered around building more muscle mass or strength then taking supplements such as creatine could be beneficial. Just like anything else, take supplements that focus primarily on your specific goals.
What are B-Vitamins?
B-vitamins can be involved in many different functions but they are primarily focused on macronutrient metabolism. There are various B-vitamins and these include: B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, and B12. For example vitamin B7 which is biotin can be supplemented for hair, skin, and nail health.
What is Omega 3?
Omega 3 are known as polyunsaturated fats, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These are large names but to put it simply these are fatty acids that are found in omega-3 and various foods contain these fatty acids. For example EPA is primarily found in salmon and fish based foods, DHA is also found in fish oils, ALA is found in foods such as walnuts and flaxseeds. There are multiple benefits to Omega 3’s, which can include prevention of cardiovascular disease, reduction of inflammation.
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