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Behavior Change Techniques (BCTs)

Brandon Partin NASM - CPT, VC

Behavior Change Techniques

BCT’s or Behavior Change Techniques are known as active elements for intervention strategies that affect the determinants of behavior. For example, looking at self efficacy which is defined as one’s belief that they can complete a task, goal, or performance in simple terms is known as having self confidence or having confidence in one’s self.

What are some of the most common behavior change techniques?

There are various techniques as it relates to behavior change, here a view of them broken down.

  • Set specific tasks is defined as breaking down a specific goal into easier to achieve tasks and for example when performing exercises having the intensity increased into more challenging ones

  • Practice for mastery and continue doing tasks even if they may be challenging when starting out

  • Have the proper and correct information which is basically focusing on foundational and scientific evidence based practice to workouts

Three Elements of Change

Readiness of Change: Do you have the knowledge and resources to make a lasting change?

Barriers to Change: Is there anything that is preventing you from making a change?

Likelihood of relapse: what triggers you to return to your older behavior?

Understanding the Stages of Change

The Stages of Change model or otherwise known as the Transtheoretical Behavior Change Model has been used in vast array of ways outside of overall fitness

  1. Precontemplation

  2. Contemplation

  3. Preparation

  4. Action

  5. Maintenance

Precontemplation stage is when an individual does not exercise and is not planning to start exercising within the next 6 months

Contemplation stage is when the individual doesn’t currently exercise but is planning to start within the next 6 months

Preparation stage is when an individual is planning to being exercise soon and has taken steps toward it and may have already started

Action is the individual has been exercising for less than 6 months

Maintenance stage is when an individual has been exercising consistently for 6 months or more

The model of the stages of change is not only beneficial for someone who is working on fitness based goals but also for building better habits in different areas of life whether it be to quit smoking, sleep schedules, etc.

Stage 1 Precontemplation

In stage 1 there are different characteristics and strategies that relate to this stage.

If you are in this stage it is best to be aware of your current behavior and why you haven’t changed that behavior as well as being aware of the risks of not making a change.

Stage 2 Contemplation

Stage 2 is mostly focused on battling ambivalence and the fear of changing your current actions. There are various strategies to keep in mind during this stage. Understanding the difference between pros and cons and being aware of barriers to change.

Stage 3 Preparation

Stage 3 focuses on preparing to take action. Some of the best strategies for this goal are to write down your goals, prepare a plan to take action towards your goal and find ways to stay motivated to reach your goals.

Stage 4 Action

This stage focuses on as the word implies, taking action towards the specific goal. The best strategy when taking action is to develop a system of support to help stay accountable as well as create rewards as you work towards your goal.

Stage 5 Maintenance

Is focused on staying the course towards your goal. Maintaining your current behavior and avoiding the temptation of falling off from reaching your goal. The strategies to keep in mind as it relates to this stage is to develop strategies to cope with the barriers that may come your way as well as rewarding your success.



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