Brandon Partin NASM - CPT, VC
Significance of Obesity
In this article/guide I will discuss the significant risk that comes from obesity and how it has become such a major health problem today in our modern world.
The Health Risk of Today
Obesity is a complex disease that describes an individual who has an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity alone is not the only issue in that it can be linked to other conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancers.
Reasoning behind Obesity
There are various reasons why certain people may find it an issue to lose weight. According to the Mayo Clinic obesity can be influenced by various factors whether they be hereditary, physiological or environmental as well as the combination of diet and physical activity and exercise choices.
Small steps matter
If you are an individual who has been considered obese there are many steps that you take regardless if they are small steps to improve your health. Just moderate weight loss alone has been shown to have an improvement and prevention of various health related problems.
How to identify Obesity
Oftentimes obesity is identified based on BMI or otherwise known as body mass index. I’ve provided a chart below that describes the scale of obesity. Calculating BMI by is done by multiplying weight in pounds by 703
As mentioned above Obesity can be connected with other health related problems and conditions. Here are some examples of those and not all of the conditions may be listed.
Heart Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Digestive Problems
Sleep Apnea
Certain Cancers
Here are some short explanations of some of the conditions listed above:
Heart Disease is known as a range of conditions that affect the heart. Some of these are known as blood vessel disease, arrhythmias, heart valve disease. However Coronary Artery Disease is the most common as it relates to heart disease and conditions.
Type 2 Diabetes is an impairment in the way the body regulates and uses sugar as fuel for the body. There can be long term chronic conditions resulting in too much sugar that is circulating the blood stream. In type two diabetes there are two problems in that your pancreas is not producing enough insulin and your cells respond poorly to insulin and take in less sugar
Sleep Apnea is known as a sleeping disorder in which pauses breathing or periods of shallow breath, Each of these pauses can last for a few seconds or minutes
Osteoarthritis is a bone condition that is the most common form of arthritis and has affected millions of people worldwide. This condition occurs when cartilage the cushions the ends of the bone wears down overtime
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